Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Gated Communities

Privilege is being able to drive or walk through a gated community and have the residents assume that I live there, that I am visiting a friend, or that I am in the market for a home - not that I am "up to no good."

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Ignoring History

Privilege is being able to claim that racism is behind us and that skin color can now be ignored. Privilege is thinking that the Civil Rights Movement set everything straight.  Privilege is believing that the election of a black man as president means we can ignore the decades of improper treatment to minorities in America.  Privilege is not seeing how the race of our black president handicaps him from being able to talk about race.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Privilege is standing on the shoulders of generations of property owners and college graduates and claiming that I got where I am from my own hard work.